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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cosmic horror unleashed on Dunedin: Locals mildly affected.

At approximately 9 P.M. last night, Dunedin was the victim of what is now considered to be the most horrifying experience known to mankind.
This incredulous event has baffled both local and international scientists, and has single-handedly reshaped the laws of physics as we previously knew them.
It began with several hours of heavy rain, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
There had been no warnings, causing mild discomfort among those away from the comfort of their homes.

Soon, however, even those inside of their residences were affected.
In what can only be described as a supernatural phenomenon, the sky was peeled back by thousands of writhing tentacles - each the size of a large apartment block.
A copious amount of acidic slime began dripping from these, burning through rooftops, trees, and reacting with water to form an anthropomorphic entity comprised solely of mucus and pure hatred.

"At this point I thought something wasn't quite right", said local area man Peter Murray. He continued: "I know the weather in Dunedin can be unpredictable, but I've never seen any giant tentacles of death descending upon humanity. Ah well, she'll be right mate."

Mike Wilson, a Dunedin teenager, tells us how his life was affected by this terrifying spectacle:

"Well, at first they crashed through the roof - the tentacles I mean. The acid was everywhere. My dog was barking frantically, and we just didn't know what to do.
The whole room was a mess, I didn't know what the rest of the house was like before we got out through one of the giant holes in the wall, and I saw that one of the tentacles had plunged straight into my room, destroying pretty much everything I owned.
They were all around us, and we were trapped. I watched as my entire house began disintegrating, and there was nothing I could do to stop it."

At this point I had heard enough.
I asked if I could do anything to help, to which he replied (whilst nurturing the small stump which served as a reminder of his right leg):
"Nah, she'll be fine mate. She'll be fine eh.
Just needs a wee bit of time."

The indomitable spirit of Dunedin residents remains intact, despite the continuous havoc wreaked by these giant antediluvian abominations of nature.
It's almost contagious, as I find myself thinking that maybe it will all be "right."
Maybe it doesn't matter how many tentacles are trying to end human existence, or just how painful their acid is - as long as we remain positive in thinking tha-OH GOD THEY'RE COMING FOR M-

1 comment:

Oscar1986 said...

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